Monday, January 30, 2012

No Shame

From a transcript I'm working on today, since I forgot to post it when it happened.

Q. On the top right corner of A-2, you claim that's your buttocks?
A. Right there.
Q. Doesn't that look like your leg?
A. That's my hip. That's my buttocks right there. There's my stretch marks. I know my ass.

Friday, March 4, 2011

He Shaved What?!

Last week my judge ordered a dad to do a drug test. He swore he was clean and he didn't want to pay for it. The judge said he needed to go and pay for it, but if it came back clean, he would have Mom reimburse him.

So today we get a call from the drug screening clinic that they can't get enough hair for the hair follicle. He had a full head of hair last week. They said that he had shaved his head, his arms, and his legs. And when they had tried to get hair from...ahem...lower places, he had shaved there, too. Excuse me? Ma'am, he shaved his balls. The only hair he has left on his body are his eyebrows, and they are too short and only good for a 15-30 day test.

Think he's dirty?

Here I go, Dan!

Dan has always said I must love my job or I would quit and write a book. I'm not there yet, but I have decided to start this blog as sort of a jumping off place.

There are always things happening in my court. Just when I think I've heard it all, somebody throws something out there that just blows my mind. Then later, after I've told the story, somebody will mention it back to me, and I have totally forgotten it. At least this way, I'll get my brain jump-started.

Still typing,